Specialist Women’s Health Physiotherapy
Our Womens Health physiotherapists have specialist skills, knowledge and training to be able to assess and treat a wide range of conditions related to pregnancy, child birth and pelvic floor dysfunction.
There is a wealth of evidence to support physiotherapy as a highly effective intervention to alleviate, and even cure, symptoms related to the pelvic floor. Pelvic floor problems can be due to a number or reasons and can be an embarrassing topic for many women. But you don't have to accept that they just happen, and you don't have to put up with the symptoms. Something can always be done to help.
Women’s Health physiotherapists can help with the following conditions:
- Pelvic floor disorders
- Prolapse
- Incontinence – stress and urge
- Overactive bladder
- Ante-natal and post-natal gynaecological problems
- Problems following traumatic deliveries; including episiotomies and tears
- Musculoskeletal problems during and after pregnancy
- Musculoskeletal problems arising from gynaecological problems and/or surgery
- Vulvodynia (vulva pain)
- Bowel conditions, including incontinence and constipation
- Pudendal Neuralgia/nerve entrapment
- Coccydynia
- Interstitial cystitis
- Rectus Diastasis (separation of the abdominal wall after giving birth)
- Sexual dysfunction
What should you expect in a consultation with a Womens Health physiotherapist?
At your first appointment, the physiotherapist will discuss your problem with you and take a detailed history so they can best understand your needs. There is ample opportunity for you to also ask questions and be given information on the various treatment options available.
An internal examination may be discussed during your appointment. However, it's important to note that undergoing such an examination is entirely voluntary and dependent on your personal preference. Your comfort and choices are our priority. You may also have someone with you if this would make you feel more comfortable. Some women may be anxious at the suggestion of an internal examination, however our physiotherapists are very experienced in doing this and will discuss the process with you to ensure you are put at ease. You will be given the option to refuse should you decide not to. You may also bring someone with you should you prefer to have a chaperone present.
Some of the treatment options offered to you may include:
- teaching correct pelvic floor exercises and provision of an exercise programme to strengthen these muscles
- bladder and bowel re-education
- prolapse management advice
- biofeedback and electrotherapy when necessary
- manual therapy (ie hands on treatment), where appropriate
- postural and back care advice, including advice on lifting techniques
- dietary and lifestyle advice, including how to exercise without aggravating symptoms and how to exercise safely during and after pregnancy
- advice on pain management
- advice on delivery positions
- support belts and mobility aids
Please contact us should you have any queries.